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Nutrition Packed Spinach Smoothie

  • Kvell India

Cooking time: 3 min. Serves 1. Smoothies are full of minerals and flavours. They are an important part of breakfast in every household that wishes to encourage health, as they offer an energetic start to the day. A lot of calcium, along with many carbohydrates,...

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Honey is a highly concentrated solution of sugar. It contains more than 70% sugar and less than 20% water. This indicates that the water in the honey contains more sugar than it should naturally contain. The excess of sugar makes honey unstable. It is only...

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Honey is one of the most revered skin treatments in existence. Thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic effects, it can help oily and acne-prone skin. Honey is also a natural moisturiser, but it helps keep the skin moist but not sticky. Try one of these...

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